Monday, April 27, 2009

Fill happpening on Wednesday

It is Monday and I spent the weekend at the family farm. I had a couple of drinks on Saturday night and some lamb shanks with mash. It was awesome and went through easily.

I am now hungry most of the time so looking forward to a fill to give me some restriction, and I know that this may take more than one go to get it right.

The weight loss has halted a tad, but I have been back at work and not getting the usual excercise that I was and I have had a couple of vinos. So I am back off the booze completely and working hard on the cross trainer.

People are starting to notice that I have dropped some weight which is nice.

I hope to hit the golf driving range next week and then have a game in two weeks.

My wounds have healed and are no longer sore and the swelling has gone completely except at one small incision where a stich is sticking out a bit. i will get that seen to on Wednesday.

If I miss taking my vitamins it is a drag as I get rather drained by the afternoon, so I just have to stay on top of that.

Back to work.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Two Weeks

Hi all.

It has been two weeks and I am officially off the liquid diet.

It would not have been so bad if it was a vino liquid diet but alas it was not. I saw the dietician today and it all went well and I am nearly at 10kg loss which is exciting.

So straight after that I took my bride down to Balmoral Beach for lunch and it was fantastic.

my wounds are healing well, even though a tad tender, but I have nothing to argue about. I am still suffering a bit from my ordeal, but I am back working and off to the Hunter Friday for a full day and then I hope to escape to the farm for a few days.

I will try and get a few pics up on here in a few days. I have been pretty busy with work stuff so kind of ignored my blog which I promise not to do again.

I am teaching my little 18 month old how to scooter and it is hillarious. He is better than the 5 year old.

He is off with his dad for a few days as he gets some time in the holidays so we have a break from the 24/7 questions.

He's a great little bloke but will send me mad with his thirst for knowledge. I suppose this is a good thing.

The 18 month old Aidan is now chatting and loves new words everyday. Today it is DIRT.

God knows what tomorrow. Hopefully LOVE or something like that.

All the best to everyone and I will be back soon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Week

This is my one week update.

It seems like a lot longer to tell you the truth. I have been through all the emotions. Happy that I have finally made the move I needed to. Sad that I will miss all my foods that I love. Angry at myself that I have actually had to go to such extremes to lose weight. Fear of the band inside me. I can't quite work that one out yet, but it is there. It is almost like claustrophobia.

I had these arguements in and out of my head of what I have done and why. I was struggling with discumfort and pain and wished that I had not done it. I think my episode coming out of the surgery has taken more of a toll on me than I had first thought.

Today I went to the mall and only lasted walking about 5 minutes. I am a pretty fit bloke, but the pain was there in my chest.

I still got my shoes though.

Last saturday evening was a dress up party at Blaxlands Inn in the Hunter Valley. I went as a fireman. I had the real get up and some people thought that I was actually there as a real fireman.

I only lasted 1.5 hours.

The food looked awesom, but I just sipped on my water.

I have had some bad pains in the centre of my chest that just will not shift so today I have been right off food, but all I have to do is remind myself that this time last week I was in the intensive care unit and praying that it would all just end.

I am being well looked after at home and the kids are being pretty good. I am also lucky to be getting on the run advice from my sister who has been there before and all is looking up.

I have lost over 8kgs in a week, so there is a good reason to keep pushing forward towards the light.

Bye for now.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Burp, Fart Rumble

Ok, all I seem to do is burp, fart and have the tummy rumble like an old Sherman Tank. Tonight I have had what could be called liquid something that started off as spag bol but still was ok.

I have had too many cup of soups, over the shakes and now even think Up and Go sux, and I am not that far into it with having this band.

Don;t get me wrong. I am on the right path for what I have to achieve, but it is not easy. I hate apple juice but seem to be enjoying it.

My wife Karlie puts it in a wine glass thinking that it may just make it seem a little better than it is. 100% for trying. I kind of liked it.

I kind of opened one of the small incisions today when I was getting up off the couch. It really hirt but nurse Karlie fixed it up for me. I bled a bit but seems ok now.

Off to the Hunter tomorrow and then will drop in to see my sister Mel on the way home Sunday.

It is a fancy dress party Saturday night and I am going in an authentic firemans outfit. I do not think I will last long, but it should be fun for a while.

I should have gone as Captain Sober.


Pants off Friday

Hey there,

Today I woke up in a better mood after having a half decent sleep.

I still toss and turn but I have always been a tummy sleeper and after having abdominal surgery, it makes it hard to lay face down, do I have been on my back the past couple of nights.

I can't wait to sleep my normal way.

Today I get a hair cut and tomorrow I am heading to the Hinter Valley for a mates birthday. I can go as Captain Sober as I will be off the booze for a few weeks to come yet.

My wife organised the most amazing menu and I can only look at it.

I must say, I miss food greatly and I think my breath must smell like the devils bottom.

Went to the shops for a short time last night. Only lasted about 20 minutes but it was nice to get out of the house for a short time. Probably not the smartest thing to do 24 hours after being in ICU but I had enough of the lounge room.

I must say that I am not hungry and feel rather good, but I would love to taste a steak.

Off for a Opti now.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, my first sleep at home, and even though I did not sleep well, I got way more than I did when in the ICU.

I am lucky that I have no gas pain in the shoulders. But I am passing plenty of wind. I have had years of practice at this so it comes pretty naturally.

My skin is crawling and I am struggling not to scratch all over, but I hear it is just a side affect of the drugs.

I am getting by just with panadole at the moment so all seems pretty good. The only part that hurts is the big incision. I still do however feel that I was the man at the country fair who gets the cannon ball in the stomach.

How good is the first shower after the surgery? I didn't want to get out.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I have just got home from North Shore Private Hospital after my LapBand surgery.

Well, it went nothing like I expected.

I arrived at the hospital at 8am as asked and sat around with my bride until about 10am when she had to leave to get the kids to school late.

I finally went in about half an hour later. I was taken doen stairs and into a little room where they got my premeds done and all was great. Bloody cold room though.

Into the theatre and in went the juice. I was out in seconds. The next thing I know I am in recovery with nurses and doctors trying to get me to breathe after waking from the anaesthetic, but I couldn't. My throat had completely closed up and I could not get any breath in at all.

The next thing I remember was waking up in the intesive care unit with my sister looking on. I had no idea where I was and thought it could have been the waiting room to hell.

The hospital staff said it was the most action they had in weeks trying to get me going again.

One nurse asked if I saw "the light" but my sister said I was going the other way.

I stopped breathing for about three minutes the ICU doctor said, but he added there was no real danger as it happens to about 1 in 1000.

Since then I have been fine. I had only a tiny amount of sleep last night as my heart rate keept dropping below 40bps, but it is all great now.

My blood pressure is now back to normal for the first time in over a year and I am on fluids and just had a cup of soup.

The drugs are obviously working as I am in no pain, just a little uncomfortable at the moment. I am just please they released me home, straight from ICU. Obviously I am quick to recover.

Back to the couch for some rest.
